BOX-JAM Spring Fling
Resource Centre
Our final online Jamboree saw 990 participants from Norfolk, across the UK and from around the World of Scouting join together for a virtual Jamboree.
Thank you if you took part in the LIVE weekend and even if you didn’t, please use the resources from the Spring Fling and the previous two BOX-JAM events as you wish. Norfolk Scouts are very happy to share.
13 Ceremonies and Shows to continue to enjoy time and time again.
CLICK on the Activity Boxes and Join in…
Check out over 100 things to do from the Spring Fling Activity Boxes.
BADGES – are FREE for all members of Norfolk Scouts.
If you joined BOX-JAM from other Counties in the UK, Scouting
in other Countries or from Girl Guiding,
the Jamboree badge is £2.00 including P&P.
(invoices will be sent to the email address used for booking)
Join the BOX-JAM FaceBook Group and to share the photos of your Jamboree adventure !
CLICK HERE to request to join our group.
All the resources from the Summer and Festive Edition BOX-JAMs are still available for you to use at home
or at meetings… Look in the two Resource Boxes at the top of the page !